Monthly Archives: January 2011

Human Resources RoundTable Discussion

Two weeks ago I was invited to present to Human Resources personnel from area industry, business, and public organizations (hospitals, schools etc). The topic, of course, was social media. My expertise with social media involves education much more than business, but unsurprisingly the implications for both include a great deal of overlap.

Just as in education, businesses recognize the participation-shift and societal push to use social media for production, communication and building knowledge.  Sophisticated technologies, fueled by a more-powerful, less expensive Internet redefine the world we live and work in.  Responsible use, intellectual property, privacy issues and integrity considerations, while remaining relevant to clients or customers, are realities in industry and education/academia. Access to online tools within “traditional” business models is as constrained as within “traditional” models of education. What makes us different in K-12 is most likely the pace we tend to move at and (more) limited access to resources impacting systemic change.

After a discussion of potential use and misuse of social media our group talked about possibilities for the future with location-based social networks and mobile devices. The group seemed interested in initiatives our K-12 district is involved with to prepare kids for a rapidly-changing future requiring new literacies. They also seem committed to effecting change within their own organization.  I left with a better understanding of what local organizations grapple with when considering the reach and implications of social media.

Slides from presentation:

iTouches to Practice Reading Fluency

Second graders engaged in self-directed practices.

See post below for details (December 18, 2010).

Virtual School Taking Shape

Positioning our school district to offer virtual (hybrid and fully online) courses is a huge undertaking. Luckily I have administrative support, extremely interested and excited staff, and a small group of administrators and teachers ready to roll up their sleeves and help! Our superintendent and assistant superintendent realized the importance of offering students options in line with the digital, media-rich era they are enmeshed in, and simultaneously research and practice suggests sophisticated, rich ‘customized’ learning opportunities  can occur online. With an aggressive timeline to get 8 courses online in 9 months, and double the number the following year, I’ll briefly review the completed/in-progress steps we are taking via bullet points. Keep in mind the items below are the ‘big picture’ ideas; specific details would take a few pages to post!


  • 2 months of intensive research of virtual schooling, administrative discussion and direction
  • Florida Virtual School Leadership training (team of 4)
  • Develop blueprint for designing our school
  • Basic Blackboard Training (15 staff)
  • Creation of Staff Informational brochure
  • Administrative work-day with all stakeholders (business office, HR, tech support, C&I, website/marketing, principal, parent communication)
  • Meeting to finalize courses for design (5) and purchase (3)
  • Publish description for student programming planning guide
  • Steering Committee established; monthly meetings
  • Staff informational meetings

    February-July (in-progress)

  • Initial website portal built; attach to current CMS
  • Blackboard Administrative Support training
  • Program planning guide/course sign-up available
  • Policies written and posted – NUA, Truancy, Attendance
  • Purchased courses loaded on Blackboard
  • Parent, community informational meetings
  • Blackboard Course Design Training (15 staff)
  • Completion of Online Teaching Certification for involved staff
  • Pilot (4th quarter) 2 courses; survey staff and students
  • Final student registration for 2011-12 courses
  • Upload enrollments, determine final staffing
  • Finalize technology access for staff/students
  • Administrative walk-though of courses
  • Test website portals; review information
  • Create cohorts for teachers to support effective course design and delivery
  • Offer in-house options for Online Teacher Certification and Basic Blackboard training to prepare (future) teachers